Lead a Custom Challenge

Looking to build your business and support your team? Run your own MyQFIT Challenge! Choose from one of our exclusive programs and work with the MyQFIT Trainers to lead your own life-changing challenge for your team.

Lead by example and create a special experience for your team.

Implement life-changing daily habits for long-term success.

Throughout each week you will see new habits added to your calendar that you need to complete. These habits will build on each other. This means you will continue doing previous habits as you add on new ones.

Habits include:
  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • Gratitude
  • Movement
  • Hydration
  • Eating Mindfully

The goal by the end of this challenge is to complete as many of the habits as you can while creating a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. Each week there will be fun mini challenges that align with the habits that we are focusing on. You’ll have a chance to win awesome prizes.

Transform your body in just 30 days.

The next 30 days in the Body Recomp Challenge will push you both mentally and physically. Specific meal plans and workout routines will ignite your metabolism and you will see changes in your body composition. Throughout the challenge you will be held accountable by trainers and team mates to stick to the workout program and meal plans. You will take weekly body stats and submit before and after photos to track your progress. There will be weekly mini challenges to win swag and supplements. The grand prize will go to the person who has the largest transformation from beginning to end!

Gain an understanding of nutrition and change the way you eat for life.

The Macros Basics Challenge will help you take complete control of your nutrition. This challenge is largely educational regarding Protein, Carbs, and Fats. How much you need as an individual to reach whatever goal you have. Whether it’s performance, bigger muscles, or lower body fat, understanding macronutrients and how to use them as a tool is a game changer. Each week throughout the challenge there will be lessons to complete and mini challenges that will test your skills. Prizes will be given out each week. 

Request a Challenge